What is O.N.E. ?
Become Part of A Movement to Save The World!〰️
Become Part of A Movement to Save The World!〰️
O.N.E. has a vision to unite with people of all ages, cultures, classes, creeds, and beautiful colors across this earth, far and wide! “We the People”, created in God’s own image have been chosen during this time to be awake! Or perhaps you have found yourself here, and don’t know what I mean by that exactly? The truth of the matter is, that every day people are “waking up” and have now come to realize that things aren’t right in the world.
Could our government and world systems possibly be corrupt?
This “System” has never been for you. In fact… it has been designed AGAINST YOU!
But for anything new to emerge, the old needs to go through a thorough purge.
Until now, this system we have all been born into, one that we have not questioned, has remained unscathed and protected by a Luciferian Order. The wool has been pulled over our eyes. We have been conned. By our governments, Hollywood Actors, the Medical Industry, Professional Sports and our Education system. They are all in on this push towards a New World Order, and all the while people have been too busy looking at their cell phones, being consumers, and dancing on Tik-Tok as we are being sprayed daily with poisonous chemicals, fed poisonous food and given vaccines with aborted fetus cells, MRNA Gene Therapy, graphene oxide, to turn us towards the world of machinery and VR, and stealing our world. They want you to live in a nice home in the Metaverse, while you own nothing in reality. This is their plan and it is not a conspiracy theory. It’s happening before our very eyes! If you’re paying attention. As Klaus Schwab said with the World Economic Forum “You will own nothing and be happy”. Is this where we are really headed? The news seems pretty scary these days. Could it be however that they are merely pedaling fear to control the masses?
Under the noses of the people of this world, it’s time to awaken! To open your eyes to the truth of what is really going on in this world. I welcome you to wake up out of your slumber, and begin to open your mind to the fact that there is an entire world that has been hidden from us, as we are being exploited and sold on the slavery market. Via the illegal taxation system in place on income, child sex-trafficking/human trafficking, organ harvesting of live, unwilling donors. The drug cartel, the list goes on and on. With this pandemic going on, you need to understand that this is a hoax. On the entire world. Because our government does not care about you! They do not care about your safety. Your well-being. Your mental health. Your financial status. And they especially do not care about your children.
To cut to the chase… there is a DE-POPULATION PLAN in place (Look up Event 201) which is what their plan for our world is. To reduce the world population down to 500 million people, per the Georgia Guide-stones. Which by the way has been destroyed which is actually great news for our world! Because I believe there are good, God-fearing people working behind the scenes to save our world! So consider this… 500 million vs our current eight billion? That is a very large number of people to reduce our population to. And now with vaccination requirements coming for our children as more and more vaccination sites are set up under the guise fo “health and safety” in order to go to school and/or participate in certain activities. It’s time you awaken to what is actually happening. Here are some video/evidence links below. Please also do your own research as well.
Controllers of the World Video New World Order - Controlled by the Elite Bill Gates - “Intentionally causing death” Dr. Rima on World Control
Rockefeller’s & World Domination Dark to Light Depopulation Agenda Free Masonry = Satanism Bill Gates Clips of Crimes Against Humanity New World Order Agenda Mockingbird Media The Illuminati - New World Order Bill Gates w/11,000 Scientists want Population Control Bill Gates admits vaccine will change our DNA Their “Great Reset of 2020” Plan = New World Order TRUTH BOMBS! New World Order is Here! Robert Welch Speech - 1958 Dr. Bill Deagle - Plan Using Big Pharma Hackable Humans The Elite’s Plan for us to be Transhuman
They look at you as a “feeder”. They call you “Goyim”. Or cattle. And that is the way the Elite Cabal truly see us.
Yet the world continues to play in step like sheep headed towards the slaughterhouse, as we continue to go further towards communism. Following just like good little sheep. We were conditioned to be this way from the very beginning.
Everything we ingest from the TV, Hollywood and now our cell phones are used as tools against us. They know that everything we allow to participate, come in contact with or receive with our eyes willingly keeps us vibrating at a lower frequency… by design. To dumb us down. Keep us distracted. Using our vices against us to keep up outside of ourselves, depressed and many times feeling alone. While we are looking down at our phones, our military is blotting out the sun. Which by the way is a Bill Gates project called the “Dim the Sun Project” to supposedly protect us from climate change and that harmful Vitamin D that you might get (or as they will tell you, that the rays of sun are harmful”. Anything in excess can be bad, but what are they really trying to accomplish with this program to mess with Mother Nature. Do your own research on what we are being sprayed with almost every day. Why would our own military and government be working with Bill Gates to facilitate such a project? Did we the people ask to be sprayed? And this is supposed to be for Climate Change? This is not the reason at all.
John Brennan CIA - Chem Trail Program admitted on video Chem trail Pilot Comes Forward Look Up, Chem Trails Bill Gates - Blot Out the Sun Program
They want you to be distant from each other, but addicted to media. Addicted to upgrading to the next best thing. Trained to be consumers, in an education system that is like a prison and brain-washing factory for our children. By the end of school you are beaten down, thinking outside of yourself, your thoughts are no longer your own, but ready to work as a slave in their tax-slavery driven society. They want you controlled by your emotions, and distracted so they can continue in the background while you aren’t paying attention.
But there are those standing for freedom, medical autonomy and the right to choose. Those defying these unlawful and unconstitutional mandates. And based on what? The evidence is clear, and if you do the math, this is a complete hoax on the world, put out by the elitist, deep-state cabal. They are not going to give us our freedoms back. Trans-humanism is their goal for those who survive this with 100% surveillance in our day to day lives like China. Living in a fake Metaverse while you live on the bare minimum…. while they live like Kings and Queens. This is not what God intended for us as His creation. He intended for us to thrive! To live as free people on this beautiful earth He created. But we have turned away. Instead of trusting in God, we have trusted money and medicine. “Pharmakeia” in the greek language meaning “use of drugs” which equals to the vaccines. Because of peoples unwillingness to even question our “trusted doctors and medical industry”, people have unwittingly allowed an mRNA experimental drug called the Covid-19 vaccine into their system, which today is causing people young and old alike to die suddenly, have heart attacks and myocarditis, and reportedly over a thousand plus reported adverse reactions according to VAERS - which is a website dedicated to reporting vaccine adverse reactions and each case. It is shocking how many have died due to these deadly vaccines that is now causing so much sickness in the world. My heart literally breaks for so many, who are waking up to the fact that they were not only lied to, but defended this lie unwittingly . Please refer to the following links below for evidence. Please do your own research as well on the many proofs provided below on the harmful affects of the vaccines.
Please note that the first link below is the United States Patent for Coronavirus isolated from humans back in 2007. A patent means that it was “man-made”. This is a hoax on the world, and it’s time for the people of this world to wake up to lies that have been peddled to us:
Coronavirus US Patent Link - 2007 La Quinta Columna’s findings on the vaccines Dr. Stanley Plotkin with Aborted Fetuses & Vaccines Dr. David Martin on Vaccines
Vaccine Death Presentation by Dr. Youngblood US PATENT 8/31/2021 - Vaccines used for Digital Contact Tracing Infertility & the Vaccines
MRNA Gene Therapy Explained Dr. Carrie Madej - Live Organisms in Vaccines FDA MEETING - The Vaccines are killing more people than the virus
Irish Council for Human Rights speaks out against vaccines Remdesivir Genocide Covid Lies Exposed Nanobots found in the Covid swab tests
PCR Tests are a FRAUD Vaccines & Magnetofection Vaccine Microchip Data Accessed through Dark Web SM102 in Moderna Vaccines
Animals died in COVID-19 trials Vaccine Shedding Live organisms under microscope in vaccines Vaccination Dangers Dr. Yeadon - We don’t need vaccines COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Nano-Particles Found in Vaccines Masks Don’t Work Nuremberg Code - IMPORTANT Dr. Bill Deagle - Lost Media Double Vaccinated - Prone to Variants
If you want to do your own research on adverse reactions and deaths due to the Covid-19 vaccines, visit the VAER’s website: https://vaers.hhs.gov/
Because cancer cannot live in a hydrated environment.
This is not just amazing water, but it is an investment on your health! I’ve been drinking hydrogen water which was originally promoted as “Kangen Alkaline” water since 2016, and I feel like I look younger now then I did in my 40’s! But since, we have found out that it is actually the HYDROGREN in the water that has the healing effects, and because I am so passionate about health, I wanted to show this to my followers and show them how we can increase our health dramatically just by ensuring we have the proper hydration. I found the PERFECT SOLUTION!!!! Our health and preventing sickness is the return you will get withthis amazing water machine and other products!
Freeing people from physical and financial pain by teaching men and women about the mind-body connection, how to properly hydrate, fuel and supplement the body and support the mind with powerful tools and techniques that are sure to transform each and everyone.
Try the BEST HYDROGEN WATER on the market, and click on the photo image to find out more information!
We at ONE choose to live in a world where we are FREE!
But we have lost our freedoms. It’s time now to stand together in truth!
United we are a force to be reckoned with!
It starts with ONE. That O.N.E. is You. It’s Me. And it’s EVERYONE in the entire world no matter who they are or where they come from. As ONE we can strive towards freeing mankind and the brain-washing that is being implemented by the evil cabal, the New World Order via the “Great Reset of 2020” or “Event 201”, and restoring sovereignty, freedom, and the right to choose our own path in life without the threat of tyranny and slavery taxation. Not have it dictated to us by elected officials who force us to live in their made-up, fraudulent hoax of a pandemic world and deFacto government. It just isn’t reality and they are laughing at us. The verdict is out and these people are lying through their teeth. Enough is enough already! How did we let it get to this point that we are blindly following these illegal and unconstitutional mandates, without a fight for our basic, rights as men, women and children?
The fact of the matter is, we have been lied to. Our parents and even our GRANDPARENTS have been lied to in a MONSTROUS way. This system that is controlled by just a few families who own the World Central Banks, have designed a plan against the world that was predicted in the bible in the book of Revelations. Against us as a collective on this beautiful planet earth! If mankind does not wake up out of the spell cast by the “tell-lie-vision” makers who give you “programs” aka: programming, we could be lost forever. But it is not too late!
Mind Control Using Words We Have All Been Programmed with LIES!
What I am heart-broken about, is the utter willingness (regardless of political party or ethnic background) who lined up to take the experimental drugs they are calling vaccines. And with Bill Gates at the helm! Donating billions of dollars towards the pharmaceutical industry, since vaccinations make an exponential amount of money versus the technology industry as he openly admits. And now the verdict is out with so much being exposed about Pfizer and the vaccines themselves. The young and old are suddenly dying, and people were not willing to even look at the evidence on how these were bad for mankind. Unfortunately we are beginning to see the evidence of this with the uprising in every known sickness imaginable. Our world has never in all history been so sick! And its not because of the “man-made and patented” coronavirus that was unleashed on our elderly and world.
What is happening today has been predicted in the bible for thousands of years now. This is the end times. The New World Order. This is their last ditch chance to take over the entire world. But do not fear! Fear is how they control us. They feed off of our negative energy, it is a very demonic system whether you believe it or not. It’s time to stand for what is right. Regardless of whether you have been vaccinated or not, it’s time to open your eyes and see that this is not about a virus, but about 100% surveillance and control over every part of our lives! It’s time to stop complying to these unlawful and unconstitutional mandates! Compliance will get us nowhere fast. They are not just going to give us our freedoms back. But the way I look at it, I did not give them my freedom to begin with, but it was absolutely stolen from us along with our TRUST (C’est que vie trust 1666) The United States of America is just a money-laundering corporation, and we are all consumer slaves to the system. Hypnotized by our vices and so triggered, all respect is being lost in this world.
So we need to continue to stand and walk as free men, women and children! This is our birthright directly from God Almighty Himself! I will claim that freedom and stand against this system that is trying to destroy the good people of our world. It doesn’t need to end that way!
The road is narrow. And I believe what is playing out right now in real time is not how Christians predicted this to turn out. Time will tell all. In the meantime, this is the New World Order. Prepare yourselves and prepare your heart and soul.
Right now… God needs His soldiers to stand in the gap for those who cannot see. God loves you and has a plan and purpose for your life. But man has turned away and disconnected himself from God, and that is why many have lost the connection to discern what is truth during these times. Re-connecting with God will change your life forever! Right now w need to vibrate higher and wake up, stand up and be truth tellers! Do not fear! This is the time to STAND! Ask God to give you the strength, just like he gave David against Goliath the giant. This giant is not too big for God! But perhaps you have not been able to connect with like-minded people. So many feel alone right now in their circles. But there are millions waking up to the truth all around the world. Using their voices and standing up for their freedoms. It’s time we do the same!
Perhaps you have found yourself here. You may be feeling alone.
Are you feeling alienated by your loved ones? People at work? The division is real and right now people are playing into their trap of dividing OURSELVES from each other. Their plan is working brilliantly to keep everyone divided. Because united we stand, divided we fall. There is nothing more that these evil Luciferians fear, than the people of this world awakening to the truth. People are starting to sense something is not right.
You may be seeing things all of your friends and family members are not seeing. And now with all of the evidence of election fraud (upon many other truths being exposed right now) it is opening up a much deeper hole than many realize. Many here may already have dived into that rabbit-hole. It’s truly never-ending and too many to list here. The question is, now that we know this information, what do we do from here? We must “Know Thyself”. “Be still and know that I am God”. We must open up our minds to the reality that “reality” that we perceive it not necessarily reality. Refer to the Matrix tab!
In the continued search for truth, I have found that our world leaders made sure that our education system provided curriculum that taught us what “they” wanted us to learn.
To merely recall their answers to questions for tests. No longer teaching critical thinking. Do you notice many times they provide no evidence for what they are claiming to be facts? Do you believe we come from monkeys? Last I checked, evolution is taught in the schools.
How do we really know what is said in our text books are facts? Because they said so?
We have been told to blindly follow what they are putting out as “facts”, but many times no back up or evidence is provided. Something is awry here!
Also, I’m sure you might have noticed that Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Sex Education starting K - 12 is just now popping up in our school systems? Thankfully we are starting to see a back-step, with President Trump vocally against the current Dept. of Education and many out there fighting for their children. I would argue that our public school system is no more than a brain-washing/conditioning machine at this point, and our government along with these very willing school board members are psychologically and even physically damaging (distribution of poisonous masks with ethelyne -oxide) our children. Masks don’t work, and children have 0% chance of dying from Covid. So why are we/they doing this to our children? Why aren’t parents standing up and protecting their children, even though they know in their heart of hearts that this is wrong? We are being conditioned to lie and be obedient against our own knowing of the truth, and its time we stop allowing them to do this to us. We need to preserve their precious innocence as long as possible.
Links on the harmful effects of Face Masks: Masks & the Laws - Frontline Doctors Masks and Children Informed Consent Masks Don’t Work
See this link on sex education video for 1st graders: Sex Ed Video for 1st Graders teaching masturbation Trans-Brainwashing of our Children
And the unfortunate thing here is that we seem to have very few fighting the cause. Why? It’s because mankind for many generations has been a deep slumber caleed “mass formation psychosis”, and encapsulated in fear due to the powers that be and their constant messaging of violence, sex, fear and doom. Messaging is transmitted to us through our TV and Internet, with repetitive messaging using their massive network, and now they are censoring truth tellers to control the narrative. So with this plandemic in place, people are worried over their jobs, their children’s education, their safety, lock downs, getting health care, affording needed prescriptions, parents stressing about having food on the table for their children, our government taking our freedoms away, and the list goes on and on. People are blindly complying and following out of fear, without questioning what is really happening. Trying not to stand out, fly under the radar as to not offend anyone or get canceled. They do not see what they are doing and are blinded by the sorcery of our government and media, who is using this pandemic to bring our world into the New World Order. A satanic movement against the people of our world, with the goal of transhumanism and enslavement by making us all a bar code to be scanned. Workers to be taxed to death, fed hotdogs and beans for dinner, all our properties confiscated while we gladly give it all away in the name of safety. We will be China’s twin under Communism if we don’t stand now. We need to do this for our grandchildren so they can live in a world that is free, and not under a tyrannical, communistic government. Mind Control and using Words Human Clones Exist Synthetic Clones Evidence Cloning Exists Technology used to turn humans into A.I. Bio-Hybrid Robots Military Discussing Clones/Aliens Graphene Oxide found in Vaccines Nano Tech
With all of this said, our freedoms are officially gone, and people have been conditioned over the years to be happy in giving up their freedoms for some type of cheap exchange for freedom. NOW is the time to stand… as ONE! One New Earth. A New Earth that does not accept their version of reality of hate, division slavery and fear. We want the reality that God created for His people, with truth, freedom and LOVE! We stand in God’s truth, and we say no to any and all future mandates and unconstitutional laws, that hinder our families ability to breathe, get an education, or work and run a business. We will stand together as O.N.E.!
They call us Goyim…. Cattle.
Who gave these “globalists and elected officials” the right to force any mandates on us?
This is a direct violation of our basic rights as men, women and children of this beautiful earth, and it is time we as O.N.E STAND & UNITE! The power is with the people! We have forgotten who we are. We are multi-dmensional beings having an experience here on Gods beautiful earth! It’s time we begin to disconnect from this matrix, conditioning and brain-washing we have been plugged into and have become so heavily dependent upon, and re-think these systems created for us. Why do we just accept them when all they are doing is destroying what God has created? We can create our own society in reality. Away from these matrix dwellers who love masks, division and hate. That is not a world I want to participate in, and I will not live in fear any longer. Fear controls us. But when we love and stand united, they cannot go up against that. Not their fake reality that they try and spoon feed us with as if we are all stupid. They cannot lock us down without our consent or a contract with wet signature agreeing to these mandates. Gag us with masks. Keep us apart, away from our families and friends. Call us every name in the book and tell our children they are going to kill grandma if they don’t wear a mask. This entire system is a deFacto fraud, and is part of a plan to de-populate under the guise of “health and safety” so they can enslave who is left and live like Kings & Queens with all of the new, abundant resources without all of those pesky humans as they call us. We as sovereign human beings will stand in the truth, and for freedom. We will not comply with these mandates that violate our basic rights as men, women and children, and we will make our voices heard in protest and civil disobedience against the draconian mandates until we are free! We will also stand in the truth, and put ink to pen to defend our rights and liberties!
Tired of being a slave? Tired of the control being exerted from our elected politicians that we pay?
You may ask yourself… “How can I help?”
You migt ask yourself…. “What can I do?” We can all start getting involved in our local areas getting the truth out! Also, by “Revoking Your Election” to this corrupt, deFacto government, you can begin to unweave yourself from this Matrix we have unknowingly landed in. We need to stop funding the coffers of the de-population psychopaths that are not here to help us… it starts with ONE!
Also, find out how to get on the school board for your child or grand child’s school or go to the meetings and listen in. You’d be shocked at some of the things being pushed on our children. Start attending City Council meetings and making your voice heard! Signing up to be a poll watcher to ensure we have honest elections. We all know 2020 and the 2022 elections were STOLEN! Following up and expecting our local and state representatives to do their jobs. Email your representatives and let them know what you are thinking. Call their hotlines. Bombard them. Peacefully. United. Take a hard look at the incoming social credit score. Is this what you really want?
We need to share the truth to everyone we know! About what is truly going on with this fake pandemic, and the media which is controlled by the same people who control our government, are not going to allow the truth to come through normal arms of media and advertising. So we the people need to be the news from here on out! We cannot allow ourselves to continue in this game.
If we don’t fight back and draw the line now, it will be much harder to regain our freedoms later.
The time is NOW to stand. All around the world… as ONE!
Would you join our fight and mission? If you would like to become part of a movement to unite the world, and to get the truth out with a group of like-minded people who are “doers” and not just “complainers”, this is the group for you and welcome you to be a part of something larger than yourself! We have to get out of the mind-set that we are making a difference merely fighting with others on social media. That is only participation in further division. It is no longer “Right vs Left” but “Right vs Wrong”. Big tech was all designed in advance to entrap you in their web. To control you by keeping you upset. Agitated. Fighting with the “other-side” which is an illusion. Both sides were created and funded by the SAME PEOPLE! Contact One New Earth and find out how you can join our movement to save the world!
They want us fighting while they distract us with the media and Hollywood.
Feed us what they would call “fiction”, yet disclose truth under the guise of fiction. In movies, they are TELLING US what they are doing.
Selling movie tickets and Cable subscriptions to a willing audience that pays to accept the lude and disgusting behavior brain-washing us all day long. It is all predictive programming and brain-washing. It’s time to start detaching from these brain-washing platforms and “wake up” to the reality that these people are not here to help us, or even entertain us. They are here to lie to us and keep us distracted while the New World Order is being implemented. We have been their slaves for generations now, and we didn’t even know it. It’s time to take back what is ours. We are not a racist/hateful nation, but we stopped caring about our neighbors and only about our own. Not looking beyond ourselves and our own first-world problems. And there lies the problem. Everything has been inverted to confuse us. We need to come together and unite, Republicans and Democrats and realize we have ALL BEEN HAD! There is no delicate way to put it. We are fighting based on ideals and the reality they created for us. Who said they can do that? The honest answer to that is we have allowed it. We are supposed to be the most intelligent beings on the planet, and yet we have given into the spirit of apathy and complacency. Are the only beings on the planet who “pay” for their housing and food. Allowed these Luciferians to take over all of our land, and implemented a fake government, media, Hollywood, sports complex and education system working in concert to distract us from what THEY ARE DOING! Atrocious things… to children! And now communism is at our front door and tyranny is in the mist. Are you paying attention yet? What are you going to do about it? Wait and hope someone steps up for you and hide? Or STAND?
Become ONE and unite with our cause to spread the truth, and to hold the line… for FREEDOM! This is our very last shot for freedom. Humanity could be lost forever. Or YOU could be that ONE who stands and changes the course of history forever! What side of history will you be on? The Great Awakening is upon us! Be on the side of good and for the good people of the earth. Open your eyes to the truth.
God speed to all of you, and pray like you have never prayed before. This is a spiritual battle. Remember in the end, God wins! Let’s help Him win it shall we?
Kat Espinda, Founder of One New Earth
Contact us at ONE:
Email: onenewearth@protonmail.com
Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/onenewearth - KatEspinda@onenewearth
GAB Channel: https://gab.com/groups/57404
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/OperationNewEarth
Rumble Info Channel: https://rumble.com/c/c-1301284