A system created for us. And yet… against us.
Many of you have seen the movie “The Matrix”. Although there is a fictional spin on this movie, at it’s core there is a lot of truth being told.
We live in a system created by just a few families. Trying to explain everything here, would be just too difficult. But I am hoping through our journey of being enlightened, that we all ask God for discernment during these times. There is so much disinformation out there, it’s easy to get caught up in all of it.
The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros, and other elite family members are at the core of what is going on here.
These elitists are the creators and owners of the World Central Bank in every country in the world, and they have diabolically taken over our world… without us even knowing.
Controllers of the World New World Order Dr. Rima on World Control
Rockefeller’s & World Domination New World Agenda The Great Reset
Sound far fetched? Well… it’s not. It’s the truth. Yet after generations of brainwashing here the first comment flying out of someone’s mouth is, “Oh, that’s just a conspiracy theory.” Did you know the C.I.A. created this term, to shame people who are attempting to tell the truth about our government? I would venture to say there is so much we still don’t know.
This system holds us hostage at birth in the hospital until a birth certificate is issued.
Not your “Live Certificate of Birth” that get’s sold on the stock market between the elite, dependent upon who your father is, and what zip code you live in.
As an example: You could be sold for $8 million dollars on the stock market if you come from a family who makes a good wage or is educated. You may be written off if you live in a community that is poor, and a dad who was a crack addict and a part of they system. That means to them your life does not count, nor does it matter. Sound far-fetched? The truth is stranger than fiction my fellow New Earthers. Everything is inverted. They use the “Tell-Lie-Vision” to brainwash the masses. The feeders. The Goyim (cattle). This is what they call us amongst themselves. These people are fowl to their very cores. Perverted. They have used vaccines, have sprayed us with chemicals, have put poison (amongst other things) in our food, inject us with poisonous vaccines including fetal aborted tissue, and put flouride in our water to keep us dumbed down. Apathetic. Lazy. Always wanting for more. Always in fear with their fake stories that they concoct to keep us all distracted. So we don’t find out what is really going on. Behind the curtain. It’s absolutely HORRIFYING! And now they are starting to open the curtain and are going FULL SATANIC! Because their time is short, and they know it. They are attempting to full the entire world
Indoctrination and brainwashing is in full-force right now.
Between our education system who is indoctrinating our children to be useless justice warriors that do nothing more than complain in the complacency. TV “programming” (which is to program you) with their TV “cast” members to cast a spell on you?
Who knew that “Words” matter. And unfortunately, they have fooled the entire world with the exception of people who can see what is happening, into taking the road of communism. We absolutely cannot allow that to happen. We have forgotten who we are. We are sovereign beings with basic human rights. They are being violated at every level, and right now our children are in danger. We must at all costs protect our children from this scrubbing of all reality. They are afraid to infect and kill their parents if they take their masks off. Do you see what is happening here? That something is not right? That too much corruption is popping up everywhere? Well you are not alone my friend. There are MILLIONS waking up to the ongoing lies.
The satanic symbolism that has been in front of us all along in movies, TV and throughout our world.
They had to display it so we would accept it, via buying cable and movie subscriptions along with movie tickets for the next fix. Watching the programming. Becoming programmed… willingly. This is how they are getting away with this.
When we take in media, our minds are filled with all kinds of debauchery. Worshipping the “Stars”. Never quite matching up to their seeming perfection. This is witchcraft and the world is being deceived into slavery and death. It’s time to stand up against this before all is lost. It’s time to take back our power, and realize that this is not how God intended for us to live. He intended for us to live FREELY!
Free to worship!
Free to love!
Free to learn! Free to explore!
Free to create! Free to be without being taxed and controlled at every turn!
The list goes on and on to our potential as mankind.
But all of this? No. This is not what God intended. And He knew this was coming as he predicted many years ago with the prophecies mentioned throughout the Old and New Testaments. We are living in the end times. We need to be prepared!
It is time we step outside of the Matrix. The system that they created for us. To control us. They can’t make us wear masks! They can’t force us to get vaccines that don’t do anything. It’s absurdity in its finest form and too many are just taking the bait without questions. It’s time we question EVERYTHING! We are intelligent human beings with minds to create and THINK! We can’t let these people think for us. We’ve done this for too long and look where it’s gotten us? It’s time we create an alternate reality, outside of this matrix. Become self-sufficient and stop being consumers. Become ONE with the people of this world and UNITE against the Luciferians who are making a last ditch effort towards world domination. I believe once all free will gone, God will come back in a big way! We need to be ready, revival is coming! The world is about to change as we know it. Pain is coming for those criminals who will finally get what is coming to them, but it will also be pain for us. Hard times are coming.
We need to band together in unity and put away anything that would divide us. In reality, it is US against THEM! The people of the world versus the Luciferian Order in power. The power is with the people. It always was… we just have forgotten who we are.
Become a part of the O.N.E. movement to stand for truth. Hold the line for our fellow-man by NOT complying to mandates that violate our body autonomy, and hold to the truth that we are sovereign human beings. I will be working on getting out this message, and would love for you to join us in our efforts to save the world from the tyrannical elitists that are trying to destroy us. The power is with the people! Stand with O.N.E. today and spread this message! You can be the ONE that makes all the difference!